UK National Private Pilots Licence (NPPL)

(Last updated: 5/3/2021)


Exemption allowing NPPL holders to fly UK Part 21:


All NPPLs remain valid for the lifetime of the holder. They can only be used, however, if they contain a valid Class Rating (SLMG/SSEA/Microlight). Full details for keeping a Class Rating valid are in CAP 804 and also in Schedule 8, Part 3 of CAP393: Air Navigation: The Order and Regulations.

All Class Ratings on NPPLs have a 24 month validity period.  In this period, a total of at least 12 hours flight time, including 8 hours as PIC must be completed in order to revalidate by experience.
1.  Holder of a licence with one class rating (SSEA or SLMG or Microlight):
      Complete on the class of aeroplanes held:
      (a)   Within the period of validity of the rating have flown as pilot:
              •  at least 12 hours flight time including 8 hours PIC.
              •  at least 12 take-offs and landings.
              •  at least 1 hour of flight training with an instructor.  If this flight time has not been completed, the rating will be endorsed ‘Single seat only’.
      (b)   Within the 12 months preceding the expiry date of the rating, have flown as pilot:
              •  at least 6 hours flight time.

2.  Holder of a licence with 2 or 3 ratings (SSEA/SLMG/Microlight):
      (a)  Within the period of validity of the rating on any of the classes of aeroplanes held, have flown as pilot:
              •  at least a total of 12 hours including 8 hours PIC
              •  at least 12 take-offs and landings
              •  at least 1 hour of flight training with an instructor.  If this flight time has not been completed all ratings will be endorsed ‘Single seat only’.
      (b)  Within the 12 months preceding the expiry date of the ratings held have flown, as pilot on any of the class ratings held:
              •  at least 6 hours flight time.
      (c)  Within the period of validity of each class rating held, have flown as pilot:
            at least 1 hour PIC on each class held;
            undertaken at least 1 hour of flying training on each class held with an instructor entitled to give instruction on aeroplanes of those classes.
If (c) has not been fully completed, you will be required to renew the relevant Class Rating(s) by GST.

Note that the SSEA 'Single seat only' endorsement above provides privileges in single seat aircraft only such as a Jodel D9 or Taylor Monoplane and not solo flight in aircraft with more than one seat

   •  The flight with Instructor can be at ANY time during the 24 months
   •  When the Certificate of Experience is updated there is no need to send any paperwork to CAA / LAA / BMAA
   •  “the new certificate is valid for 24 months from the end of the month which includes the expiry date of the existing certificate”
   •  If the date on the Certificate of Experience has passed the only way to get the licence valid again is the take a Skill Test with an Examiner

From the ANO: SCHEDULE 8 - PART3 - Chapter 2 - 4

Table A – Requirements for issue of a certificate of revalidation for an aeroplane class rating included in Chapter 2 of Part 2



2 There is a current valid certificate of revalidation for the rating

The holder of the licence has—
(a) passed a NPPL General Skill Test with the authorised examiner signing the certificate in an aeroplane of the class for which the certificate of revalidation is sought; or
(b) produced their personal flying log book to the authorised person signing the certificate and satisfied the authorised person that the holder satisfied the experience requirements specified in Table B

Table B – Experience requirements for issue of certificate of revalidation in accordance with paragraph 2(b) of Table A



1 Where one aeroplane class rating is held

(a) The holder has, as a pilot, in an aeroplane specified in the aeroplane class rating and within the period of validity of the current certificate of revalidation for the rating—
(i) flown at least 12 hours which includes at least 8 hours as pilot in command;
(ii) completed at least 12 take-offs and 12 landings;
(iii) subject to sub-paragraph (b), undertaken at least one hour of flying training with an instructor entitled to give instruction on aeroplanes of that class; and
(iv) flown at least six hours in the 12 months preceding the specified date.

(b) If the holder has not undertaken the flying training specified in paragraph 1(a)(iii) a certificate of revalidation may be issued but must be endorsed “single seat only”.

2 Where two or three aeroplane class ratings are held

(a) The holder has, as a pilot, within the period of validity of the current certificate of revalidation for each rating—
(i) flown a total of at least 12 hours in an aeroplane coming within any of the aeroplane class ratings which are held which includes at least a total of eight hours as pilot in command;
(ii) completed not less than 12 take-offs and 12 landings in an aeroplane coming within any of the aeroplane class ratings which are held;
(iii) subject to sub-paragraph (b), in an aeroplane coming within each of the aeroplane class ratings which are to be revalidated, either—
(aa) flown at least one hour as pilot in command; or
(bb) undertaken at least one hour of flying training with an instructor entitled to give instruction on aeroplanes of that class;
(iv) subject to sub-paragraph (b), undertaken at least one hour of flying training in aeroplanes coming within any of the aeroplane class ratings which are held, with instructors entitled to give instruction on aeroplanes of those classes; and
(v) flown at least six hours in the 12 months preceding the specified date in an aeroplane coming within any of the aeroplane class ratings which are held.

(b) If the holder has flown at least one hour as pilot in command as specified in paragraph 2(a)(iii)(aa) but has not undertaken the flying training specified in paragraph 2(a)(iv) a certificate of revalidation may be issued but must be endorsed “single seat only”.